品牌罗德与施瓦茨 | 有效期至长期有效 | 最后更新2023-07-25 18:39 |
浏览次数25 |
Rohde&Schwarz ZVA50 50G矢量网络分析仪|罗德与施瓦茨 10MHz至50GHz JIANG
With its new R&S ZVA family of vector network analyzers, Rohde &Schwarz is taking a future-oriented approach.
The analyzers offer a perfect balance between measurement speed, dynamic range,flexibility and precision, making them ideal for present and future measurementtasks.
Rohde & Schwarz previously set stan
dards in RF and microwave measurements with its R&S ZVR family ofnetwork analyzers, and now continues this success with the R&S ZVA.
The fundamental mixing concept employed by the receivers ensures highsensitivity and a wide dynamic range.
Extremely fast synthesizers make for short measurement times.
Its excellent characteristics, new functionality, sophisticated GUI and extremelyhigh flexibility make the R&S ZVA an indispensable tool for demandingmeasurement tasks in labs and production.
* Frequency resolution 1Hz
* 20 001 points per trace;
* Dynamic range: >110 dB, typ. 110 dB
* Power sweep range: 50dB;
* Measurement time: <4.5ms for 201 points (freq. sweep);
* Switching between channels: <1ms;
* Switching between setups: <10ms;
* Test port connector Type N(f) 50ohm;
* Connectivity includes:
* Remote control via GPIB and LAN;
* Digital I/O port;
* USB connectors;
Instrument Type Vector, Scalar, S-Parameter
Low end frequency limit 10.00 MHz
High end frequency limit 50.00 GHz
Output Power Range –30 dBm to 13 dBm (50 MHz to 20 GHz)
Input Noise Level <–80 dBm at 100 MHz to 500 MHz, <–95 dBm at 40 GHz to50 GHz