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Dental lab in Shenzhen

价    格


  • 30.00元/个


Lin Lin
18098919514 +8618098919514
  • 发货地广东 深圳市
  • 发货期限3天内发货
  • 供货总量5000 个
  • 身份验证|
  • 经营模式|制造商
  • 注册资本|未填写
  • 企业类型|企业单位(制造商)
  • 主营产品|制造烤瓷牙、全瓷牙、冯瓷冠桥、不锈钢牙冠、钢支架、钢牙托、活动义齿、固定义齿、隐形义齿 深圳烤瓷牙工厂-进口烤瓷牙、陶瓷牙生产定做工厂
  • 公司地区|广东/深圳市
  • 公司荣誉|
  • 暂无分类
本页信息为深圳市玖升义齿技术有限公司为您提供的“Dental lab in Shenzhen”产品信息,如您想了解更多关于“Dental lab in Shenzhen”价格、型号、厂家,请联系厂家,或给厂家留言。
有效期至长期有效 最后更新2024-02-02 19:48

Dental lab in Shenzhen

estorations, implants, attachments, orthodontics, complete and partial dentures, flexible partial dentures, metal frames, etc.  Since 2000, we have been exporting to Europe, America and Japan.      Now we have helped thousands of dentists restore oral health and smiles to their patients!      Our mission in founding the dental laboratory is to maximize consistency in this highly variable industry.

With more than 20 years of experience in the field of dental design,    CAD/CAM technology plays a very important role in helping to simplify, shorten and improve the dental outsourcing process. MYY, as a china denture laboratory, aims to improve the reliability, responsibility and experience of dentists and dental patients. Always provide you with high quality dental design products.  From fillings to custom bridges to replace missing teeth, a team of dental outsourcing experts is on call to keep your smile happy and healthy.

China dental laboratory MYY has been providing dental products and services to the international market.  Our designed zirconia crowns and crown bridge products are ISO13485 and ISO9001 certified and FDA registered.   Safe materials are used for every dental product.

One of the key strengths of MYY is its ability to customize dental products to meet the unique requirements of each patient.      The company works closely with dental professionals to understand their patients’ needs and preferences, and then develops customized solutions that deliver the best possible outcomes.

As a leading dental laboratory in China, MYY has been exporting its products to Europe, America, Oceania and other regions, and has helped thousands of dentists restore their patients’ oral health and smiles.      The company’s service philosophy is to provide more professional and better quality products and services than other dental laboratories.  High quality and competitive prices make our products and services extremely competitive.

MYY dental laboratory provides a one-year product warranty, which has established a good reputation and trust among all customers and partners.

Company: Shenzhen MYY Denture International Processing Plant

Tel : 86 18098919514

QQ: 1036188723

Email :xml5201@outlook.com

Website: http://www.dental-myy.com

Address: Second Floor, 402 Yonghe Road, Fuhai Street, Bao 'an District, Shenzhen









深圳市美牙牙义齿有限公司成立于2000年,主要从事口腔定制式义齿产品的研发、生产和销售。 拥有先进的机器

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公司名 深圳市玖升义齿技术有限公司 经营模式制造商
注册资本未填写 公司注册时间2000
公司所在地广东/深圳市 企业类型企业单位 (制造商)
保 证 金已缴纳 0.00 资料认证    
主营产品或服务制造烤瓷牙、全瓷牙、冯瓷冠桥、不锈钢牙冠、钢支架、钢牙托、活动义齿、固定义齿、隐形义齿 深圳烤瓷牙工厂-进口烤瓷牙、陶瓷牙生产定做工厂


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